CEV (Caribbean Entertainment Vision) Media Corporation is a wholly owned Bahamian company. C.E.V. Media Corporation (CEV-TV.COM) was created to be, the first fully functional broadcasting channel, catering specifically to tourism and tourism industry related news in The Bahamas and the Caribbean. Caribbean Entertainment Vision (CEV-TV) primary focus will be tourism industry news, related developments and entertainment from The Bahamas around the Caribbean. The focal point of our broadcasting is, to keep what is happening in the world of tourism, resorts amenities, means of travel to the region, capturing cultural events, resort development, festivals, industry promotions, cultural foods show, regional music videos and entertainment news, being televise on international and local cable network. Our efforts is geared to develop a brand; A brand that brings with it recognition for exactly what we deliver; tourism news about The Bahamas and the Caribbean.
CEV was designed to bring focused attention to one of the leading industries, in most of the Caribbean nations, which is tourism. CEV will support the industry’s growth sectors through partnering with allied industries, wanting new market penetration, building brand recognition and developing new market niche.
CEV-TV was created to expand the visibility, experience and vacationing opportunities of the islands of The Bahamas and the Caribbean and to expose the cultural gems of the region, thereby, creating an allure to the mystique of these islands.
In launching a channel that functions as the leading source of travel information for vacationers to The Bahamas and the Caribbean, it will only increase the interest of vacationers and those traveling to the region. This initiative (creation of CEV-TV), will be the driving force for sustainable tourism development in the region and by extension, be a source of additional job creation in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
In developing a channel that focuses specifically on vacation travel within the region, and in this case, The Bahamas and Caribbean; CEV-TV would appeal to a broader audience, as we create diversified programming contents that focus on hotels, resort activities and amenities, restaurants, airlines, tours, weather and cultural festivities. This approach would appeal to the demographic of the cultural mix within the United States, Canada and around the world.
When appealing to the wider community of the cable viewing audience, we will create programming that appeals to the family as well as the individual traveler and CEV-TV will have contents that can be viewed and enjoyed by all persons.